みんなの発表会 事務局
みんなの発表会/marty performanceの公式ホームページです。2024年は大阪と神戸、芦屋で開催予定です。この発表会はみんなの日ごろの成果を発表したいを叶える自由合同参加型の活動発表会です。ピアノ、楽器、ギター、管弦楽、吹奏楽、合唱、声楽、ダンス、舞踊、バレエ、武術など、文化活動や運動の愛好家やサークル、グループの皆様が広く参加できる舞台を目的とした、みんなの発表会です。舞台の感動を出演者と観客で共有します。子供から大人まで幅広い年齢層の活動団体の参加を受け付けています。演奏家、声楽科、ピアニスト、ダンサー、バレリーナ、ミュージシャン、俳優、アクター、ミュージカル俳優、タカラジェンヌ、フリーランス等みんなの発表会の参加者・出演者を広く募集中です。東京、横浜、川崎、千葉、埼玉、大阪、神戸、京都で公演を開催中です。This is the official homepage of everyone's recital and performance / marty performance. It will be held in Osaka, Kobe and Ashiya in 2023. This presentation is a free joint participation type activity presentation that fulfills everyone's desire to announce their daily achievements. This is a presentation for everyone, with the aim of being a stage where lovers of cultural activities and movements, circles, and groups can participate widely, such as piano, musical instruments, guitar, orchestra, wind music, chorus, vocal music, dance, dance, ballet, and martial arts. .. Share the excitement of the stage with the performers and the audience. We accept participation from activity groups of all ages, from children to adults. We are looking for a wide range of participants and performers for the recitals of performers, vocal music departments, pianists, dancers, ballerinas, musicians, actors, actors, musical actors, Takarasienne, freelancers, etc. Performances are being held in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Chiba, Saitama, Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto.
The national ballet pre-competition and ballet competition in Japan sponsored by Marty of ballet and dance equipment. It will be held in Tokyo in 2021. Experienced judges who have been active in overseas and domestic ballet companies and international companies. Various awards and supplementary prizes depending on the level and category. We will inform you of the schedule and cost of the competition. Breaking news on the results of qualifying and decisive battles. Many participants and instructors of various levels gather from all over Japan, from beginners to regular winners. Winners have scholarships and study abroad permits from overseas and domestic ballet companies and companies. We are looking for many participants and young dancers to join the ballet company, study abroad, and win the competition.
大人のバレエコンクール、大人のバレエプレコンクールのサイトです。 バレエ・ダンス用品のマーティ主催。東京で開催。大人バレエのレベルや年齢別によって様々な賞や副賞あり。入門者から経験者、初心者向けやバレエシューズ部門、パドドゥ部門も開催。ミセス、シニアも参加者多数。This is Japan Otona-Ballet-Competition / Concours Home Page。コンクールのスケジュールや費用をお知らせします。大人バレエの講師や海外・国内のバレエ団で活躍された経験豊富な審査員。予選や決戦の結果を速報します。初心者から入賞常連者まで、日本全国から様々なレベルの参加者・指導者が多く集まる。入賞者は賞金や公演鑑賞のチケット、大人のバレエ留学など。受賞目指して、多くの参加者・大人バレエ・オープンクラス、フリーのダンサーを募集しています。
The Japan Otona ballet competition and the Otona ballet pre-contest. Sponsored by Marty, a ballet and dance product. Held in Tokyo. There are various awards and supplementary prizes depending on the level and age of adult ballet. Beginners to experienced people, beginners and ballet shoes section, Pas de deux section are also held. Many participants including Mrs. and seniors. This is Japan Otona-Ballet-Concours Home Page. We will inform you of the schedule and cost of the competition. An experienced judge who has been active as an adult ballet instructor and overseas and domestic ballet companies. Breaking news on the results of qualifying and decisive battles. Many participants and instructors of various levels gather from all over Japan, from beginners to regular winners. Winners include prize money, tickets for performances, and adult ballet study abroad. We are looking for many participants, adult ballet, open class, and free dancers to win the award.